
General Disclaimer: The views expressed on aquathros.neocities.org are the site author's (Ice Mephit) and not the views of the hosting site (neocities.org).You, the viewer, cannot sue or file any kind of charges against the author (Ice Mephit) of this site (aquathros.neocities.org) or against the owners of neocities.org for anything expressed, posted, or linked to on aquathros.neocities.org. The user (you) take full responsibility for your own actions. The page author is in no way responsible for your actions in any way. Failure to read the disclaimer page is failure on the viewer's (your) part. Ignorance is no excuse. I will not and cannot be held accountable for the viewer's (your) actions. The viewer (you) is expected to take full responsibility and take full accountability for their actions. This disclaimer and all disclaimers on this page are subject to change without notice and the viewers are subject to the changes. The changes include, but are not limited to: past changes, present, changes, future changes, and changes I thought I made but didn't. The viewer (you) is free to leave just the same as the viewer (you) is free to come. From now on, when I mention viewer or user or visitor, I mean you. You cannot sue me for any reason, ever. The terms of this disclaimer (and the disclaimers on this page) are subject to change without notice. By coming to aquathros.neocities.org, you agree to these terms whether you read this disclaimer or not. You also agree to the terms of the disclaimers listed on this page, whether you have read them or not. This disclaimer (and the disclaimers listed on this page) is subject to change and the viewer is subject to the terms of the disclaimer including, but not limited to past changes, present changes, and future changes.

Hate Mail/Guestbook Disclaimer: By sending me e-mail or signing my guestbook, you acknowledge that I own all rights to the entire contents of your message, any images sent with the message, and your email address. Furthermore, you agree to make your email address publicly available on this web site. I may post your e-mail or guestbook entry on my site and respond. You cannot sue, or otherwise file charges against the site author (Ice Mephit) or the owners of neocities.org. You acknowledge that you open yourself up to slander and libel by e-mailing me or signing my guestbook. I am not responsible, nor will I be held accountable for any shame, mockery, ridicule, slander, or libel that you may encounter. This disclaimer is subject to change without notice, and you are still subject to the rules regardless of any changes made. You are also subject to any past, present, and future changes to this disclaimer. This includes, but not limited to: hate mail, anything I think could be hate mail, questions in which I think the answer is obvious, or could be found using a search engine, questions in which the answer can easily be found on my site, and any other such questions and/or statements I am unable to decipher because of atrocious grammar and/or spelling, or questions/statements that are not in English. E-mailing me or signing my guestbook is no guarantee of response. I, nor anyone else, is forcing you to write and send me e-mail; you choose to do so under your own volition. In the event you do contact me, do so in English. Any other languages will either 1) not get read or 2) you will get banned. The only time I will not post an e-mail is if the person is easily found using a search engine. You agree to these terms when you e-mail me or sign my guestbook whether you read this disclaimer or not.

External Link Disclaimer: You acknowledge that all external links on my site link to legitimate websites or webpages You also acknowledge that all links contained on this website (aquathros.neocities.org) are not malicious, or contain malicious and/or illegal content. I do not and will not intentionally or knowingly link to an inappropriate or illegal website or webpage, nor will I intentionally or knowingly link to a website or webpage that contains such content. You cannot sue the author (Ice Mephit) nor can you sue the owners of neocities.org.

Publishing Disclaimer: These writings are not to be copied, published, printed, stolen, modified, or otherwise used. Theft of my works may result in legal action, humiliation, slander, libel, and/or shame. This includes anything I post to aquathros.neocities.org. No payment is required to view these. Anything I post is mine, unless otherwise noted. These are to be read only on aquathros.neocities.org. If these are found anywhere else, then these are stolen works; unless I post it elsewhere and I made mention of it somewhere on this (aquathros.neocities.org) site. If someone charges you to view any of my works, then they are stolen. You cannot sue me for any reason, ever, regarding my works. Any sources will be cited, and if pictures are present (and they are not mine), then the source of the original (painting or otherwise) will be noted. If you read any of my works, then you agree to these terms whether you read this disclaimer or not.

Download Disclaimer: You acknowledge that anything you download from aquathros.neocities.org is virus free, adware free, and malware free. You cannot sue, or otherwise file charges against the site's author (Ice Mephit) nor can you sue or otherwise file charges against the owners of neocities.org if something were to go wrong with your computer as a result of downloading something from aquathros.neocities.org. The downloader (you) is responsible for what you download and cannot blame anyone else, nor can you sue anyone else. The downloader(you) is responsible for scanning any downloads, not Ice Mephit and not the owners of neocities.org. Ice Mephit and neocities.org cannot be held responsible for any viruses/adware/malware that is downloaded to your system. By downloading something from this site, you agree to the terms whether you read this disclaimer or not.

Rants Disclaimer: I don't expect to change anyone's views, nor do I expect hate mail in regards to these rants. You are entitled to your own opinion as well as I am entitled to mine. If you are allowed to express yourself, then I should be allowed to do the same. People can disagree on subjects, and people do have different experiences. My experiences may differ from yours; this does not make me right and you wrong, nor does this make you right and me wrong. I live in a country where I can express myself freely and this is one place I choose to do so. If you do not like it, leave. You came of your own volition, and you can leave just the same. You cannot sue me or the owners of neocities.org over my views on the Rants page. This disclaimer is subject to change at anytime. The viewer is subject to the terms of this disclaimer, including but not limited to past changes, present changes, and future changes.

Contact Disclaimer: You acknowledge I own the contents of your entire e-mail; including but not limited to: the message, attachments and your e-mail address. I reserve the right to post your message along with your e-mail address on my website. My native language is English and I expect to be contacted in said language. Failure to do so will result in 1) your e-mail will not get read, 2) you will not get a response. You can use Google Translate just the same as me, so use it. You are the one contacting me; you use the translation service. You cannot sue me for any reason, ever. The only time I will not post an e-mail is if the person is easily found using a search engine.